
Community Choir Goes Wilde!

2nd September, 2016

The Forever Young Rock Choir, was today in full rehearsal for their annual concert at the Ulumbarra Theatre on 14th September, which will feature a special guest appearance by legendary saxophonist, Wilbur Wilde.


Wilbur Wilde is one of Australia鈥檚 most prominent听saxophonists as well as being a television personality, radio presenter and singer, rising to prominence with the bands Ol’ 55 and Jo Jo Zep & The Falcons.


Headmaster at 缅北强奸, Mr Matthew Maruff, said that the choir was sounding better than ever.


鈥淭his choir is such a great community initiative and I know from talking to the Forever Young members that for many, the weekly rehearsals are the highlight of their week.


鈥淚t鈥檚 wonderful to see the mutual respect and friendships that form between the choir members and our own Senior String Orchestra and Rock Band, who support the choir,鈥 he said.


The theme for the annual Forever Young concert this year is 鈥淏orn to be Wilde鈥, with the energy and attitude of choir members reflected in the classic rock and contemporary pop song repertoire. Wilbur Wilde will sing and play the saxophone with the choir in what promises to be an amazing concert, hosted by legendary broadcaster, Derek Guille.


鈥淭o have such a positive reason to get together each week is wonderful for these active senior citizens.


鈥淭he Girton Grammar Music Department has done phenomenally well to get this choir up and running and now, in its 6th year, the concert is quickly becoming a much loved fixture on Bendigo鈥檚 calendar of events,鈥 Mr Maruff said.
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